I have gwt application based on GWTP. App supports two versions (tablet & desktop) and uses different widget libraries (sencha gxt and sencha touch). These libraries require different css files in host page. Moreother css are in conflict each to other. How I can load different css files in my host page?
I already read about gwt mobilewebapp sample, but they use single html-page and different implementations of components.
You could also do this on the server side, by using a JSP file as the css source. Then, in the JSP file, decide which set of properties to send based on the requesting user agent or other.
Another option is to write the host page as a JSP file, and it can include the proper CSS file based on the request.
This is a pretty easy way to go, but you must enable the JSP processor in your web.xml. It also requires your deployed system to have a java compiler on it, which is not the case if you only install the JRE on the webserver.