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Fitnesse SymbolicLink not working with external link from ant or command line

We are trying to create a symbolic link in our fitnesse suite to an external folder. It is working perfectly with URL. But not working with command line or with ant script.

Following is the URL (Working):


Command line (Not working):

java -jar fitnesse.jar -c "root?responder=symlink&linkName=FitNesseSuite&linkPath=file://FitNesseRoot/TestSuite"

Ant script (Not working):

<target name="my_fitnesse_tests">
    <java jar="fitnesse.jar" failonerror="true" fork="true">
        <arg value="-c" />
        <arg value="root?responder=symlink&amp;linkName=FitNesseSuite&amp;linkPath=file://FitNesseRoot/TestSuite" />
        <arg value="-p" />
        <arg value="9234" />

Getting following exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command specification [root?responder=symlink&linkName=FitNesseSuite&linkPath=file://FitNesseRoot/TestSuite] invalid. Format shold be /cmd or user:pass:/cmd at fitnesse.http.MockRequestBuilder.validate(

Please help us to solve this.


  • Same problem, I have solve the problem with the following command: ...&linkPath=file%3A///... ==> change the ":" by "%3A"