I need to change the windows 7 current default voice (Microsoft Anna and an extra German voice is installed) via C# code.
As I am a beginner programmer, it will be difficult for me to find it out on my own. Any ideas how I can achieve it? Thank you all in advance for the replies!
The Windows 7 Audio API includes the SpeechSynthesizer class, you could call for example the SelectVoice method:
Use the GetInstalledVoices method and VoiceInfo class to obtain the names of installed text-to-speech (TTS) voices that you can select. To select a voice, pass the entire contents of the Name property as the argument for the SelectVoice method. The SpeechSynthesizer object selects the first installed voice that contains name in the voice's VoiceInfo.Name property. The SpeechSynthesizer performs a case-sensitive, substring comparison to determine if the voice matches the name.
Edit: I found some sample code to get you started.