i see that all I can set to is %repos% and %txn%
how can I use those to get to the commit message (in my case, so i can parse out the ticket number so i can see if it exists in the bug database before committing to it)
Using a recent SharpSvn release you can use
SvnHookArguments ha;
if (!SvnHookArguments.ParseHookArguments(args, SvnHookType.PreCommit, false, out ha))
Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid arguments");
to parse the arguments of a pre-commit hook and then use
using (SvnLookClient cl = new SvnLookClient())
SvnChangeInfoEventArgs ci;
cl.GetChangeInfo(ha.LookOrigin, out ci);
// ci contains information on the commit e.g.
Console.WriteLine(ci.LogMessage); // Has log message
foreach (SvnChangeItem i in ci.ChangedPaths)
to get to the log message, changed files, etc.