I'm looking for substring starting with @
and ending with the first \s
It's necessary to have @
at the beginning of the string or after space.
Example: @one bla bla bla @two @three@four #@five
Result: @one, @two, @three@four
I end up with this re: ((?<=\s)|(?<=^))@[^\s]+
which works fine in sublime text 2, but returns empty strings in python.
python code:
re.findall(r'((?<=^)|(?<=\s))@[^\s]+', '@one bla bla bla @two @three@four #@five')
Your capturing group isn't capturing the text that you are really looking for:
Now, it works:
>>> re.findall(r'(?:(?<=^)|(?<=\s))(@[^\s]+)', '@one bla bla bla @two @three@four #@five')
['@one', '@two', '@three@four']