The CFF Explorer is able to detect the VC complier version from PE file. it shows "Microsoft Visual C++ 8" for my exe file which is statically linked to libCMT(no dll dependency).
How is that done? It must replies on some structure in PE file which is unknown to me.
Seems CFF explorer is using a much reliable way to detect VC compiler version.
The PE Header have some info about linker(or compiler). Check out:
and also:
The magic word in the PE header maybe the key to your answer.
Seems CFF explorer rely on the code signature. I've found some interesting post here:
Determining Which Compiler Built a Win32 PE
In RBerteig's reply, the internal symbols can be used to determine compiler.
From this post, the _main address is one of the signature to determine it.
and this post:
give more clue about Microsoft compiler signature.