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how to pipe an R LDA topic model into Topic Model Visualization Engine (TMVE)?

What's a good framework for building a topic model and topic browser in Python?

documents --> topic model --> topic browser

Topic Model Visualization Engine (TMVE) might pipe the results of Latent Dirichlet Allocation and arrange them into websites. I have already learned to use topicmodel library in R, but I don't know how to pipe it into TMVE.

Mainly, I'm looking for solutions that use Python or R. I might just try to build my own (really crappy) topic browers from the R output.

It looks like this was a hot research topic a year or two ago. The resources on David Blei's page seem to be going out of date.

TMVE seems to be on gitHub, it was last edited a year ago.


  • You might also consider the Topical Guide. Here's an out-of-date web-page: The project is now hosted on GitHub.