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iOS UITableView: Custom sections using information from a JSON object, not just counting it

Say I have this JSON:

    {"x":"01", "ID":"1"},
    {"x":"02", "ID":"2"},
    {"x":"02", "ID":"3"},
    {"x":"03", "ID":"4"},
    {"x":"03", "ID":"5"},
    {"x":"03", "ID":"6"},
    {"x":"03", "ID":"7"}

and I want to create a UITableView like this:

Section 01
ID: 1
Section 02
ID: 2
ID: 3
Section 03
ID: 4
ID: 5
ID: 6
ID: 7

How can I find out how many sections I need and how do I output the correct data in each section?


  • Ended up with this solution:

        NSMutableDictionary *result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
        for(NSDictionary* dict in data) {
            NSNumber *x = [dict objectForKey:@"x"];
            NSMutableArray *resultsForX = [result objectForKey:x];
            if(!resultsForX) {
                resultsForX = [NSMutableArray array];
                [result setObject:resultsForX forKey:x];
            [resultsForX addObject:dict];
        NSMutableArray *newArr = [result allValues];