I am trying to convert this PHP validation code to ColdFusion. However, I cannot get my CF version to correctly validate a VIN. I am hoping someone can shed some light on what I'm missing.
function isVIN(v) {
var i = "";
var d = "";
var checkdigit = "";
var sum = 0;
var weights = [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 10, 0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2];
var transliterations = {
a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3,
d = 4,
e = 5,
f = 6,
g = 7,
h = 8,
j = 1,
k = 2,
l = 3,
m = 4,
n = 5,
p = 7,
r = 9,
s = 2,
t = 3,
u = 4,
v = 5,
w = 6,
x = 7,
y = 8,
z = 9
if (! REFindNoCase("^([\w]{3})[A-Z]{2}\d{2}([A-Z]{1}|\d{1})([\d{1}|X{1})([A-Z]+\d+|\d+[A-Z]+)\d{5}$", ARGUMENTS.v)) {
return false;
if (Len(ARGUMENTS.v) != 17) {
return false;
for (i = 1; i <= Len(ARGUMENTS.v); i++) {
d = Mid(ARGUMENTS.v, i, 1);
if (! isNumeric(d)) {
sum += transliterations[d] * weights[i];
} else {
sum += d * weights[i];
checkdigit = sum % 11;
if (checkdigit == 10) {
checkdigit = "x";
if (checkdigit == Mid(ARGUMENTS.v,8,1)) {
return true;
return false;
(There is a VIN validation function at CFLib.org, but it doesn't work either).
Your function has two issues.
First, the regex is incorrect. Here's a simplified working version:
Note: As per Adam's answer there's a simpler pattern than this.
Second, in your checkdigit comparison the Mid is one out - it seems the 8 should be a 9.
(Presumably this is a language conversion issue due to PHP being 0-indexed whilst CFML is 1-indexed.)
With both of these fixed, the modified function returns true for the VIN WAUBA24B3XN104537
(which is the only sample VIN I could find in a quick search).