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Variable in CDATA in Scala

Is there a way to put a variable to be expanded in a cdata section in scala

val reason = <reason><![CDATA[ {failedReason} ]]></reason>


  • I am not sure if you can get that through native XML support, but you could do something like:


    You lose some of the compile-time validations that way, but it should give you am xml element with the data which you are looking for. Since it returns a scala.xml.Elem, you can also embed the result in a larger XML structure.


    After thinking about this a bit more, the following may be a beter (and less fragile) way to do this. It restricts the free-text portion to only the CDATA, minimizing the potential for unbalanced expressions.

    <reason>{ scala.xml.Unparsed("<![CDATA[%s]]>".format(failedReason)) }</reason>