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Datanucleus JDO Mongodb - Child of abstract in map value not persisted

I am using Datanucleus/JDO to persist objects in a MongoDB DB. I try to persist an object containing a Map, which value type is an abstract class.

When I try to persist an instance of that object, fields of the abstract class are persisted, but not those of the child class.

Below is some code as an example.

    public class Zoo {

            private String fieldZoo;
            private Map<String, Animal> mapStringAnimal;

            // etc... basic constructor...

    @PersistenceCapable(embeddedOnly = "true")
    public abstract class Animal {

            private String  fieldAnimal;


    @PersistenceCapable(embeddedOnly = "true")
    public class Dog extends Animal {

            private String  fieldDog;


    public static void main(String[] args) {
            Map<String, Animal> mapStringAnimal = new HashMap<String, Animal>();
            Dog dog = new Dog("valueFieldAnimal", "valueFieldDog");
            mapStringAnimal.put("dogKey", dog);
            Zoo zoo = new Zoo("valueFieldZoo", mapStringAnimal);

            Properties properties = new Properties();
            properties.setProperty("javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass", "org.datanucleus.api.jdo.JDOPersistenceManagerFactory");
            properties.setProperty("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "mongodb:/dbtest");
            properties.setProperty("javax.jdo.option.Mapping", "mongodb");
            properties.setProperty("datanucleus.autoCreateSchema", "true");
            PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(properties);
            PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();


And when I look at MongoDB:

    > db.Zoo.find().pretty();

            "_id" : ObjectId("50d2f5f7e4b0cae285990b2d"),
            "fieldZoo" : "valueFieldZoo",
            "mapStringAnimal" : [
                            "key" : "dogKey",
                            "value" : {
                                    "fieldAnimal" : "valueFieldAnimal"


  • Yes, but DataNucleus doesn't support embedded inherited Map keys/values. It does support embedded inherited Collection elements (part of not-yet-released JDO3.1), but not the equivalent for Maps. Obviously the code is open source and anyone could dive in and contribute it (once you've added a discriminator to "Animal" of course).