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Need a Math Editor to write math formulas

Need a Math Editor to integrate to my application written on C# to be able to write math formulas. Can someone help me with this please? Some open source code will be great! Tell me steps, that integrate your suggested application to my application.


  • I recommend you to use a MathML based editor. The formula description is a W3C standard.

    A open source MathML editor is gNumerator. It's core component and rendering engine are almost complete.

    What is gNumerator?

    First and foremost, gNumerator is a collection of re-usable components that make up a computer math program. Much of the value will lie in these components, and their usefullness to other developers wishing to re-use them.

    To the end user, gNumerator will be a computer math system, vaguely similar to Mathematica, nucalc or Matlab. The primary difference between gNumerator, is first, it is a collection of re-usable components, and second, the use of standard languages such as MathML and JScript for user interaction. As other math programs such as Mathematica or Matlab all use proprietary languages as their form of user input, gNumerator will allow users to input standard MathML or JScript.

    But, you say these languages have weak numeric abilities. Well, the 'fitness' of a language for a particular task has relatively little to do with the language itself, and more to do with the libraries availible for that language. Yes, JScript does not ship with any good numerical libraries, that is where GSL, the GNU Scientific Library comes in. One of the libraries of gNumerator will be a .net binding to GSL, this allows it to used directly from and .net language such as c#, (the language gNumerator is written in), and JScript (the gNumerator scripting language) to use the power of GSL directly. The use of GSL will give gNumerator computational capabilities on par with many commercial math packages.

    The gNumerator application is will be released under the GNU General Public License, and its' library components (MathML DOM, renderer, interpreter, etc..) will be released under the LGPL, which makes them usable in a commercial application

    Libraries: There are 2 libraries that you can download the source to: 1: MathML Rendering Control This is a Windows.Forms (winforms) control that displays MathML. All the current published screenshots are only of this control. 2: MathML DOM This is a faithfull and almost complete implementation in c# of the w3c recomended Document Object Model for MathML This is a core, key component on which most other gNumerator libraries are built.

    Here are a screenshot showing it's capabilities gNumerator Screenshot

    On the other side (the paid), there are great products that can integrate to your project and make it available to edit formulas. One of these is MathType. It's license price is reasonable, just USD$ 97.