I wrote a textFieldDone:
method that's suppose to move the cursor to the next textfield when the Return button is tapped.
- (IBAction)textFieldDone:(id)sender {
[nextTextField becomeFirstResponder];
NSLog(@"in : textFieldDone");
I have connected the first textfield's "Did End On Exit" event to the File's Owner and chose the textFieldDone:
I also assigned the File's Owner as the textfield's delegate (because I need the view to scroll up/down accordingly so the keyboard won't hide the textfields).
When I run the app on the simulator and tap the return button the first textfield resign first responder and in the log I see that the program didn't go through the textFieldDone:
method, but it did go through the textFieldDidEndEditing:
I used that method before and had no problem.
Is it because the File's Owner is the textfield's delegate?
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
if ([textField isEqual:txt1])
[txt2 becomeFirstResponder];
return true;