Is there a way to render graphics like JPanel in a PopupMenu (with TrayIcon)? I know it's possible by using JPopupMenu but I do not like that the popup doesn't close if I click outside of it (and the icon does not get highlighted as with PopupMenu).
Example of what I'm trying to do with JPopupMenu:
if( SystemTray.isSupported() ) {
// Get the SystemTray instance
SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray();
// Load icon
Image image = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("delete.png")).getImage();
final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu();
popup.add( new JMenuItem("Test") );
JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
p1.setBackground( );
p1.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(200, 300) );
popup.add( p1 );
JTrayIcon trayIcon = new JTrayIcon( image );
trayIcon.setJPopupMenu( popup );
trayIcon.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
popup.setLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
try {
tray.add( trayIcon );
} catch (Exception e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Could not add tray icon." );
You can extending JPopupMenu and add customItem to it:
public class CustomPopUp extends JPopupMenu {
public CustomPopUp() {
private void reload(final Collection<CustomItem> items) throws BadLocationException {
for (final CustomItem item : items) {
add(new AbstractAction(item.getLabel(), item.getIcon()) {
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
//do whatever
public class CustomItem {
private String label;
private ImageIcon icon;
//getter and setter