Hi Below is my code of ASPClassic, in which csvData is a very large string containing variable.Now in this At line where Mid function is call error 'Invalid Procedure Call or argument : Mid' occur why this happens...
Dim dataLen Dim fromLen Dim toLen Dim slab Dim totalPass dataLen =len(csvData) fromLen =0 toLen =100000 slab =100000 totalPass =(dataLen/slab) if (dataLen Mod slab)>0 then totalPass=totalPass+1 end if Dim i For i = 0 To dataLen i=toLen if toLen > dataLen then toLen=dataLen end if Response.Write Mid(csvData,fromLen,toLen) fromLen=toLen toLen=toLen+slab Next
I think that your fromLen is 0, when you call Mid() for the first time:
>> m = Mid("x", 0, 1)
Error Number: 5
Error Description: Invalid procedure call or argument
Try to initialize with:
fromLen = 1