I am facing compilation error while declaring array type argument in perl subroutine defination. My complete code is below:
use Data::Dumper;
use Win32;
use Win32::Service;
use strict;
use warnings;
my @Services = qw(NNMAction RpcEptMapper smstsmgr SNMPTRAP);
my $server = 'nnmi.hclt.corp.hcl.in';
ServiceStatus($server , @Services);
sub ServiceStatus ($serverName,@serverServices)
{ my %statcodeHash = ( '1' => 'stopped',
'2' => 'start pending',
'3' => 'stop pending',
'4' => 'running',
'5' => 'continue pending',
'6' => 'pause pending',
'7' => 'paused' );
foreach my $serv (@serverServices)
{ my %status;
my $ret = Win32::Service::GetStatus($serverName , $serv , \%status);
if ($ret)
{ print "success \t$statcodeHash{$status{CurrentState}} \t$serv\n";
{ print Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError()), "\n";
>perl -w perl_RemoteServiceStatus.pl
Prototype after '@' for main::ServiceStatus : $serverName,@serverServices at per
l_RemoteServiceStatus.pl line 21.
Illegal character in prototype for main::ServiceStatus : $serverName,@serverServ
ices at perl_RemoteServiceStatus.pl line 21.
main::ServiceStatus() called too early to check prototype at perl_RemoteServiceS
tatus.pl line 16.
Global symbol "@serverServices" requires explicit package name at perl_RemoteSer
viceStatus.pl line 31.
Global symbol "$serverName" requires explicit package name at perl_RemoteService
Status.pl line 33.
Execution of perl_RemoteServiceStatus.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
Kindly help me debugging ths code. I am sure it would be a piece of cake for some.
sub ServiceStatus
my ($serverName,@serverServices) = @_; # Declare variables and populate from @_, the parameter list.