So I wrote this little bit of code to try out some new way of doing an image swap for purposes of preloading and I am having a bit of trouble.
My problem is that I have a container with the images that has some padding and text, but the activation of my rollover only happens when someone rolls over the image, instead of the container. I must have some small bit wrong, hopefully someone can help me out. Still learning!
Here is the html:
<div class="projectThumb">
<img src="/img/aeffect_button_static.gif" width="146" height="199" class="static" name="aeffect" alt="" />
<img src="/img/aeffect_button_rollover.jpg" width="146" height="199" class="rollover" name="aeffect" alt="" />
<p class="title">A.EFFECT: Film Poster</p>
Here is the jquery:
I think you're looking for hover:
Both mouseenter and mouseleave only take one argument, but you're defining two callback functions.