Consider the DFA :
What will be δ(A,01) equal to ? options:
A) {D}
B) {C,D}
C) {B,C,D}
D) {A,B,C,D}
The correct answer is option B) but I don't get how. Please some one explain me the steps to solve it and also in general how do we solve sit for any DFA and any transition?
B) Option is not Correct answer! for this transition graph.
In Transition Graph(TG) symbol ε
means NULL-move (ε-move
). There is two NULL-moves in TG.
One: (A) --- `ε` ---->(B)
Second: (A) --- `ε` ---->(C)
A ε-move
means without consume any symbol you can change state. In your diagram from A to B
, or A to C
What will be δ(A,01) equal to ?
Question asked "what is path from state A
if input is 01
". (as I understand because there is only one final state)
can be processed in either of two ways.
(A) -- ε --->(B) -- 0 --> (B) -- 1 --> (D)
(A) -- ε --->(C) -- 0 --> (B) -- 1 --> (D)
Also, there is no other way to process string 01
even if you don't wants to reach final state.
So there is misprinting in question (or either you did).
You can learn how to remove NULL-move from transition graph. Also HOW TO WRITE REGULAR EXPRESSION FOR A DFA
If you remove null-moves from TG you will get three ways to accept 01
Note there is three start-states in Graph.
Three ways:
In all option state-(B)
has to be come.
Also, you have written Consider the DFA :
is wrong. The TG is not deterministic because there is there is non-deterministic move δ(A,ε) and next states are either B or C.