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adb.exe is not executable. ANDROID_HOME is not set

I am successful in taking snapshot and open a activity using monkeyrunner. But what I want is to press a Button. So I am using ViewClient, but whenever I run my jython script the error comes:

File "F:\Example\AndroidViewClient\src\com\dtmilano\android\", line 870, in _init_()
File "F:\Example\AndroidViewClient\src\com\dtmilano\android\", line 986 in _ViewClient_obtainAdbPath

raises exception

('adb="%s" is not executable. Did you forget to set ANDROID_HOME in the environment?' %adb)
Exception: adb="%s" is not executable. Did you forget to set ANDROID_HOME in the environment?

Thanks in Advance


  • What OS are you using? Well, depending on your OS, you need to tell it where your Android SDK is located. For example, in Ubuntu machine, I have the following line in my .bashrc:

    export ANDROID_HOME
    export PATH

    If you are on a Windows machine, then you need to add this path to your Windows Environment's PATH.