I'm working on a face-recognition application on Android using JavaCV. I'm currently having issues accessing a facedata.xml file which will contain the data from the trained images. This is my code:
CvFileStorage fileStorage;
fileStorage = cvOpenFileStorage("/sdcard/external_sd/facedata.xml", null, CV_STORAGE_WRITE, null);
cvOpenFileStorage returns null
I'm not sure if it is an issue with JavaCV or what i'm doing wrong. It should be pretty straight forward.
I have used this, seemingly to do the exact same thing, my code is:
fileStorage = cvOpenFileStorage("/sdcard/FaceDB/facedata.xml", // filename
null, // memstorage
null); // encoding
Just from looking at the file path I would say that is most likely wrong as it looks strange to have a folder called external_sd in your sd card. If not it could be another problem, I found a lot of weird problems that were hard to trouble shoot with JavaCV