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Reliable way to get path to py file of a module

I'm trying to figure out the best way to reliably discover at runtime the location on the file system of the py file for a given module. I need to do this because I plan to externalize some configuration data about some methods (in this case, schemas to be used for validation of responses from service calls for which interfaces are defined in a module) for cleanliness and ease of maintenance.

An simplified illusutration of the system:

|-call2.scm (_call() is a method on the base class, though that's irrelevant to the question)

class FooServ(AbstractService):
    def call1(*args):
        result = self._call('/relative/uri/call1', *args)
        # additional call specific processing
        return result
    def call2(*args):
        result = self._call('/relative/uri/call2', *args)
        # additional call specific processing
        return result

call1.scm and call2.scm define the response schemas (in the current case, using the draft JSON schema format, though again, irrelevant to the question)

In another place in the codebase, when the service calls are actually made, I want to be able to detect the location of so that I can traverse the file structure and find the scm files. At least on my system, I think that this will work:

# I realize this is contrived here, but in my code, the method is accessed this way
method = FooServ().call1
module_path = sys.modules[method.__self__.__class__.__module__].__file__
schema_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(module_path), method.__name__ + '.scm')

However, I wanted to make sure this would be safe on all platforms and installation configurations, and I came across this while doing research, which made me concerned that trying to do this this way will not work reliably. Will this work universally, or is the fact that __file__ on a module object returns the location of the pyc file, which could be in some location other than along side the py file, going to make this solution ineffective? If it will make it ineffective, what, if anything, can I do instead?


  • In the PEP you link, it says:

    In Python 3, when you import a module, its __file__ attribute points to its source py file (in Python 2, it points to the pyc file).

    So in Python 3 you're fine because __file__ will always point to the .py file. In Python 2 it might point to the .pyc file, but that .pyc will only ever be in the same directory as the .py file for Python 2.

    Okay, I think you're referring to this bit:

    Because these distributions cannot share pyc files, elaborate mechanisms have been developed to put the resulting pyc files in non-shared locations while the source code is still shared. Examples include the symlink-based Debian regimes python-support [8] and python-central [9]. These approaches make for much more complicated, fragile, inscrutable, and fragmented policies for delivering Python applications to a wide range of users.

    I believe those mechanisms are applied only to Python modules that are packaged by the distribution. I don't think they should affect modules installed manually outside of the distribution's packaging system. It would be the responsibility of whoever was packaging your module for that distribution to make sure that the module isn't broken by the mechanism.