I am doing an Automatic Number Plate recognition application. What I am doing is locating rectangular objects on a given vehicle image in order to extract the number plate location. I am doing an opening operation on the image and the image seems to get shifted down. So when I locate the number plate on the original image I could locate only half of the number plate because the final image shifts down due to morphological processing.
Also I noticed that this happens when I use a structuring element of size 4x13
Let me attach the image here. You would see the difference at the top of the image and the image has shifted down a bit. Does anyone know a work around for this issue? I am really stuck with this thing
You are not stuck with this problem, you just need to implement these morphological operations correctly or use some correct implementation. Compare your results to what I obtain, using the same structuring element, without any kind of effort (i.e., I simply apply an opening and a closing, nothing else, respectively):
You get severe artifacts, which shouldn't appear when the duality of erosion and dilation are correctly taken into account.