I'm trying to setup a DataGrid that contains a column of combo boxes. The values of the combo boxes are defined by data specific to that row. I cannot get this to work though, I'm asking for a solution to this, either fixing what I have below or a recommendation on a different way.
One of the columns of my DataGrid has an object derived from a ComboBox for an ItemEditor. The itemEditor is set like this:
<mx:DataGridColumn editorDataField="selectedItem" dataField="type" editable="true" >
<FilterCell:SelectCellBase initialize="set_combo()" grid="{this}"/>
So that when the itemEditor is generated (when the user double clicks on the cell) the data is populated.
Then, the SelectCellBase set_combo() function is defined as such:
public function set_combo( ) : void
var type : String = grid.dataProvider[grid.selectedIndex]['type'];
if( 'text' == type )
this.dataProvider = text;
this.dataProvider = number;
This implementation isn't working though because when I try to call grid.selectedIndex this always seems to return -1.
What am I doing wrong, or what better way is there to do this?
Your problem is that when you're inside of an <mx:Component>
the scope is local, and no longer set to the outside MXML file. So when you have:
<FilterCell:SelectCellBase initialize="set_combo()" grid="{this}"/>
the "this" you're referring to is the inline component you've defined, not the base MXML component you're working on. The easy fix is to change it to
<FilterCell:SelectCellBase initialize="set_combo()" grid="{outerDocument}"/>
the outerDocument variable is automatically set when you're inside of an <mx:Component>
tag, and can be used to access anything needed from the parent scope.