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Migrating from Squeryl 0.9.5 to 0.9.6

I am trying to migrate an existing application fron SQueryl 0.9.5 to 0.9.6, in order to make use of the new extended field types. I am now to the point where the application and its tests compile, but I get a runtime error as soon as I try to load a Schema.

A portion of the rather long stacktrace includes this:

[error] ModelSpec.withDB(ModelSpec.scala:14)
[error] BucketSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(BucketSpec.scala:11)
[error] BucketSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(BucketSpec.scala:11)
[error] Usupported native type models.fields.DateTime,models.fields.DateTime
[error] class java.util.UUID -> java.util.UUID --> null
[error] class java.lang.String -> java.lang.String --> null
[error] class scala.Enumeration$Value -> scala.Enumeration.Val --> null
[error] class [B -> byte[] --> null
[error] class java.lang.Float -> java.lang.Float --> null
[error] class java.util.Date -> java.util.Date --> null
[error] class scala.Enumeration$Val -> scala.Enumeration.Val --> null
[error] class java.lang.Integer -> java.lang.Integer --> null
[error] class java.lang.Double -> java.lang.Double --> null
[error] class java.sql.Timestamp -> java.sql.Timestamp --> null
[error] class java.lang.Byte -> java.lang.Byte --> null
[error] class java.lang.Boolean -> java.lang.Boolean --> null
[error] class scala.math.BigDecimal -> scala.math.BigDecimal --> null
[error] class java.lang.Long -> java.lang.Long --> null
[error] org.squeryl.internals.Utils$.throwError(Utils.scala:95)
[error] org.squeryl.internals.FieldMapper$$anonfun$get$1.apply(FieldMapper.scala:299)
[error] org.squeryl.internals.FieldMapper$$anonfun$get$1.apply(FieldMapper.scala:299)

Having a look at the source it seems that the exception comes from the failure of the FieldMapper.lookup method, namely the line


As far as I understand, mapping for classes are loaded via the register method, and in particular for the native types we have the lines

  protected def initialize {
    import PrimitiveTypeSupport._



I am not sure how to load my personal extended primitive types in this registry, so that they will be used correctly.

Does anyone know what is the mechanism through which I should enable extended primitive types?


Here is my model - it seems to me that it looks like the "official" example, save for the fact that I am not using directly Joda time but a thin wrapper around it, which is called DateTime

object DateTime extends PrimitiveTypeMode {
  import org.squeryl._
  import org.squeryl.dsl._

  implicit val timeTEF = new NonPrimitiveJdbcMapper[Long, DateTime, TLong](longTEF, this) {
    def convertFromJdbc(t: Long) = DateTime(t)
    def convertToJdbc(t: DateTime) = t.timestamp

  implicit val optionTimeTEF =
    new TypedExpressionFactory[Option[DateTime], TOptionLong]
      with DeOptionizer[Long, DateTime, TLong, Option[DateTime], TOptionLong] {

    val deOptionizer = timeTEF

  implicit def timeToTE(s: DateTime) = timeTEF.create(s)

  implicit def optionTimeToTE(s: Option[DateTime]) = optionTimeTEF.create(s)


  • Corrected answer :

    You are importing the org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode companion object and also your own extension (object DateTime extends PrimitiveTypeMode)

    You can only use on or the other in a same application (see

    The org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode companion object is now deprecated (the trait with the same name isn't)

    Old (wrong) answer :

    You don't need to register your custom types, the register is only for primitive JDBC types, it is a closed set.

    See this example : JodaDate is backed by the (already registered) Timestamp primitive type.