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How to propage WebSphere security tokens when calling HTTP from EJB

I have an EJB which makes a call to another server in the cell using HTTP (REST api).

At the EJB context the user is already authenticated and authorized, how can I propagate the security tokens to the other server avoiding the need to provide credentials in the request ?


  • It is possible to obtain WebSphere's Ltpa token from the security subject and pass it as a cookie for the HTTP call:

    public static SingleSignonToken getSSOTokenFromSubject(final Subject subject) {
        if (subject == null) {
            return null;
        return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<SingleSignonToken>() {
            public SingleSignonToken run() {
                Set<SingleSignonToken> ssoTokens = subject.getPrivateCredentials(SingleSignonToken.class);
                    for (SingleSignonToken ssoToken : ssoTokens) {
                    if (ssoToken.getName().equals("LtpaToken")) {
                        return ssoToken;
                return null;
    // Get cookie to add to outgoing HTTP requests
    SingleSignonToken ssoToken =  getSSOTokenFromSubject(subject);
    String ssoTokenStr = null;
    if (ssoToken != null) {
        byte[] ssoTokenBytes = ssoToken.getBytes();
        ssoTokenStr =;
    String ssoTokenCookie = "LtpaToken2=" + ssoTokenStr;

    By adding the ssoTokenCookie to the request cookies there is no need to provider user credentials.