If I do scaffold, it automatically makes destroy action in index.html.erb.
What if I want to move this action to _form.html.erb?
And I'd like to make it appear only during edit mode(example.com/books/1212/edit)
not during new mode(example.com/books/new)
I think this would help you
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :delete_flag #with other attributes
attr_accessor :delete_flag
*in your view (_form)*
<%= form_for(@job) do |f| %>
#other code
<%= f.text_field :delete_flag%>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %>
<%= f.submit "Delete",{:class => "delete_button"} %>
<% end %>
jQuery ->
$('#new_job').submit ->
#capture your delete button click
in your controller you will get params as :delete_flag
, and from there you could
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"5oWQU+w0jVCQlw8wLvCyKajbBSKpK2sv6RMkSGTE2H8=", "job"=>{"delete_flag"=>"1"}, "commit"=>"Delete"}