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c# Entity Framework sqlite (spatialite) spatial date

Is it possible to use the Entity Framework to preform a sqlite intersect query on a geom datatype?

I have had success with the below SQLiteConnection (after loading the 'libspatialite-4.dll')

string query = @"SELECT * FROM Spatial_Table WHERE intersects(Geom, GeomFromText('LINESTRING (-69.929201602936 23.577301964831, -20.358889102936 37.730080532218, 4.6020483970643 55.586555530742)', 4326)) = 1"

I have had success using the EF to query non spatial data from my SQLite database.

Is this type of query possible? Can I load the dll?

Thanks very much


  • Unfortunately no.

    Neither System.Data.SQLite provider nor devArt's dotConnect for SQLite provider support spatial (Geometry, Geography) types at this time.