i am trying to check the existence of an attribute with Schematron.
<Page id="id-001" description="Database Sections">
<TreeView id="id-001" description="">
If there is a "TreeView id" it must allready exist in a "Page id"
So i tried to count the "Page id´s" with the same name as my "Treeview id", they have to be >=1:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sch:schema xmlns:sch="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"
<sch:pattern name="Vote Count">
<sch:rule context="Layout/TreeViews/Treeview/@name">
<sch:report test="count(Layout/Pages/Page[@id=current()]) >= 1">
min. 1
What am i doing wrong? Thanks for your hlep!
how about this rule:
<iso:pattern id="check IDs">
<iso:rule context="TreeView">
<iso:assert test="parent::*/parent::*/Pages/Page/@id = @id">
TreeViews/TreeView/@id = <iso:value-of select="./@id" /> NOT FOUND in Pages
Hope this helps.