How to call an Oracle stored procedure which takes a string and a date as input and returns a refcursor as output using Clojure?
variable rc refcursor;
exec SOMEDB.PKG.GETPOSITIONS('ABC', to_date('2012-02-07','yyyy-mm-dd'), :rc)
print rc
This is how I do it. I have included a few helper fn
's that I use to convert strings to SQL dates.
(ns foo
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as cs]))
(def conn
{:classname "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
:subprotocol "oracle:thin"
:subname "@//"
:user "user"
:password "pass"})
(defonce ORACLE_CURSOR oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes/CURSOR)
(defn date-to-sql-date [date]
(java.sql.Date. (.getTimeInMillis
(+ (.getYear date) 1900) (.getMonth date) (.getDate date)))))
(defn string-to-sql-date [date]
;; assumes American date formats
(if-not (empty? date)
(date-to-sql-date (java.util.Date. (cs/replace date #"-" "/")))))
(jdbc/with-connection conn
(with-open [stmt (.prepareCall (jdbc/connection) "{ call SOMEDB.PKG.GETPOSITIONS(?, ?, ?) }")]
(doto stmt
(.setString 1 "ABC")
(.setDate 2 (string-to-sql-date "2012-02-07"))
(.registerOutParameter 3 ORACLE_CURSOR)
(resultset-seq (. stmt getObject 3)))) ;; lazy-sequence
NOTE: you may need to consume the entire sequence if you plan on returning it from a fn
since the connection will close as soon as the fn