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How to get Log4perl rotating my logs daily?

I'm reading up on Log4perl and want to try and use it for simple log management of my Perl scripts running on a Linux box. I've also read up on newsyslog and logrotate but want to use Log4perl if at all possible.

I'm trying to configure the /etc/log4perl.conf file so that it:

  • Defines a widget logger (INFO level) that will write all output to /opt/myapp/logs/myapp-<datetime>.log, where <datetime> is a date/time formatted string like 2012-12-20
  • This myapp-<datetime>.log file needs to be rotated daily (preferably at midnight), where the old file is deleted, and a new file is created with <datetime> + 1. For instance, myapp-2012-12-20.log would be replaced with myapp-2012-12-21.log, etc.

Here's my best attempt which I believe is close, but is still missing some configuration:

log4perl.logger.widget                      = INFO, MyAppLogAppender

log4perl.appender.MyAppLogAppender          = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
log4perl.appender.MyAppLogAppender.filename = /opt/myapp/logs/myapp-???.log
log4perl.appender.MyAppLogAppender.layout   = Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout

How do I configure log4perl.appender.MyAppLogAppender to rotate once a day, delete the old file, and create a new one with a correct timestamp? Thanks in advance.


  • Here's an example of a Log::Log4perl configuration file, defining a daily rollover at midnight (date pattern yyyy-MM-dd), keeping a maximum of 5 saved logfiles around, at WARN level, and dumping everything to screen:

    log4perl.logger                         = TRACE, Screen, Logfile
    log4perl.appender.Logfile               = Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
    log4perl.appender.Logfile.Threshold     = WARN
    log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename      = test.log
    log4perl.appender.Logfile.max           = 5
    log4perl.appender.Logfile.DatePattern   = yyyy-MM-dd
    log4perl.appender.Logfile.TZ            = PST
    log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout        = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout 
    log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m %n
    log4perl.appender.Screen                = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
    log4perl.appender.Screen.stderr         = 0
    log4perl.appender.Screen.utf8           = 1
    log4perl.appender.Screen.layout         = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout::Multiline
    log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = [%p] %m %n
