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How to check if a zip file is password protected in IOS?

I am using ZipArchive to extract zip files in an iOS application, but I want to know before openning the file if it's password protected or not so that I can pass the password to the UnZipOpenFile function.


  • password of a zip file is not record in header it is recorded in individual file entries in zip

    so you need to check all files in zip

    add this function to ZipArchive

    -(BOOL) UnzipIsEncrypted {
        int ret = unzGoToFirstFile( _unzFile );
        if (ret == UNZ_OK) {
            do {
                ret = unzOpenCurrentFile( _unzFile );
                if( ret!=UNZ_OK ) {
                    return NO;
                unz_file_info   fileInfo ={0};
                ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(_unzFile, &fileInfo, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
                if (ret!= UNZ_OK) {
                    return NO;
                else if((fileInfo.flag & 1) == 1) {
                    return YES;
                unzCloseCurrentFile( _unzFile );
                ret = unzGoToNextFile( _unzFile );
            } while( ret==UNZ_OK && UNZ_OK!=UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE );
        return NO;