I picked up the development for an abandoned Qt app about a month ago. It's almost complete, but I'm facing one bug that I can't manage to fix. When I simulate the app, everything works fine, both portrait as landscape. However, when I install the app on my Nokia E7-00 running on nokia belle refresh (Qt 4.8), landscape mode breaks. Is there any solution to this? I found 1 topic that described similar problems, but didn't find a real solution in that one.
code concerning the QmlApplicationViewer in main.cpp:
QScopedPointer<QmlApplicationViewer> tQmlApplicationViewer(QmlApplicationViewer::create());
// Load the QML entrypoint
The code in main.qml
import QtQuick 1.1
import com.nokia.symbian 1.1
import com.nokia.extras 1.1
import "pages"
import "components"
import "js/utils.js" as Utils
import "js/storage.js" as Storage
import QtQuick 1.0
id: window
property string __schemaIdentification: "2"
Component.onCompleted: {
// Window structure
PageStackWindow {
id: pagestackwindow1
initialPage: mainPage
showStatusBar: true
showToolBar: true
onRotationChanged: console.log("rotated!")
Page {
id: mainPage
// orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait
tools: toolBarLayout
TabGroup {
id: tabGroup
currentTab: liveboardStack
anchors.fill: parent
PageStack {
id: liveboardStack
Component.onCompleted: liveboardStack.push(liveboardPage)
PageStack {
id: travelStack
Component.onCompleted: travelStack.push(travelPage)
// Toolbar
ToolBarLayout {
id: toolBarLayout
// Back buton
ToolButton {
property bool closeButton: tabGroup.currentTab.depth <= 1
flat: true
iconSource: closeButton ? "icons/close.svg" : "toolbar-back"
onClicked: closeButton ? Qt.quit() : tabGroup.currentTab.pop();
// Tab bar
ButtonRow {
TabButton { id: tabBtnLiveboard; tab: liveboardStack; iconSource: "toolbar-list" }
TabButton {id:tabBtnTravel;tab: travelStack; iconSource: "toolbar-search" }
// Menu
ToolButton {
iconSource: "toolbar-menu"
onClicked: {
if (!window.menu)
window.menu = Utils.loadObjectByComponent(menuComponent, window)
// Objects
// Statically loaded objects
property variant liveboardPage: LiveboardPage {}
property variant travelPage: TravelPage {}
// Dynamically loaded objects
property variant aboutDialog
// In-line defined menu component
property variant menu
Component {
id: menuComponent
Menu {
id: menu
content: MenuLayout {
// About
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("About")
onClicked: {
if (!aboutDialog)
aboutDialog = Utils.loadObjectByPath("components/AboutDialog.qml", menu)
// Quit
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Quit")
onClicked: Qt.quit()
Text {
id: statustext
x: 2
y: 2
width: 230
height: 22
color: "#ffffff"
text: qsTr("BeTrains")
font.pixelSize: 20
The last text object was for testing purposes, and it rotated as it should... Image that shows the problem:
(I can't embed the image, so here's the link: https://i.sstatic.net/LXsxe.jpg )
The simulator result is on the left side, screenshots from my E7 on the right. The problem is circled in red.
Not sure what is the cause but your main.qml is weird... PageStackWindow is already a Window, why you wrap it with another Window? Try to remove the Window and use PageStackWindow as top level in main.qm
(Answer as commented by @Dickson)