Is there a development tool or Chrome / Firefox extension that lets you replace the contents of a specific URL with my own custom content?
I'm not looking for a simple /etc/hosts file change, because I want to replace a URL, not just a domain. API will let you to make any related changes to a tab in a window.
b) Basic Chrome Extension architecture.
You can refer this Sample Extension for changing all URL's in a current tab to
This is a core file where we register all chrome extension content, ensure it is with all permissions.
"name":"Tabs Demo",
"description":"This Demonstrates Demo of Tabs",
Trivial HTML file referring to a JS file to pass CSP.
<!doctype html>
<script src="popup.js"></script>
function tabsfunction() {
//fetching all tabs in window
chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(function (tabs) {
// Iterating through tabs
for (tab in tabs) {
//Updating each tab URL to custom url
chrome.tabs.update(tabs[tab].id, {
"url": /*You can place any URL you want here*/
}, function () {
//Call back
//Binging a function on document events
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", tabsfunction);
Let me know if you need more information.