I need to check text for doubled symbols. For example "1+1*2" should be ok, but "1**2+3" or "--1+4*3" should not. Consider part of spirit calc example.
expression =
>> *( ('+' >> term[_val+=_1])
| ('-' >> term[_val-=_1])
term =
>> *( ('*' >> factor[_val*=_1])
| ('/' >> factor[_val/=_1])
factor =
| '(' >> expression[_val=_1] >> ')'
| ('-' >> factor[_val=_1])
| ('+' >> factor[_val=_1]);
phrase_parse returns true with the expressions like "1+++1" or "1**-1". I tried to use repeat like this:
term =
>> *( (repeat(0)[char_('*')] >> factor[_val*=_1])
| ('/' >> factor[_val/=_1])
But it doesnt help. What do i miss? Thanks.
EDIT: Found an answer. One should compare string itrators after phrase_parse, but not phrase_parse output.
Found an answer. One should compare string itrators after phrase_parse, but not phrase_parse output.