I have a 6 swf files. After the endo of each swf animation a button appears and when clicked it opens the next swf file. However, 3 of the swf files have a different framerate. 3 of them work at 24fps and 3 of them at 48fps. When I play the swf files, all the animations work at the same framerate (24fps). Is there a way to combine and open both files each one at its own framerate? Here i attach you the code i use to open the files when pressing the button
Thank you very much !
//This creates a new instance of the loader object and adds it to the stage.
var my_Loader:Loader = new Loader();
//This creates a new instance of the URLRequest object that contains the path
//to the external swf. The load method then loads the SWF file into the loader
var my_url:URLRequest=new URLRequest("Sinus for adults.swf");
Googling gives this simple response :
I haven't tried it though but as per my knowledge it should work.