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How to integrate testers in agile develop environment?

We work with Scrum and I think we are on the right way, but one thing bothers me: the testers aren't part of the development cycle yet. Now I am thinking on how to involve the testers in the development team. Now it is seperated and the testers have their 'own' sprint.

Currently we have a C.I. environment. Everytime a developer has finished a user story, he checks in his code and the build server builds the code on every check-in.

What I want is that the testers test the user stories in the same sprint the user story is implemented. But I am struggling on how to set this up.

My main question is: where can the tester test the user story? They can't be testing on the build server because on every check-in it creates a new build and there are a lot of check-ins . So that's not an option. So, should I create a seperate server where the testers can deploy by theirself? Or..

My question is, how have you guys set this up? How have you integrated the testers in the develpment process?


  • You need a staging server and deploy a build every once in a while. Thats how we do it: CI->Dev->Staging->Live

    Edit: I always feel like an asshole posting wikilinks but this article about Multi-Stage CI is good: