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Optimizing code - calculation of Euclidean distance Sift

First of all I am well aware with the theory behind feature matching in Sift, my problem is rather a technical one

So I try to calculate Euclidean distance between a vector of the first image and all the vectors of the second and then if the ratio between the biggest two values is bigger than a certain threshold than there is a match

That's my code

distRatio = 0.5;   
for i = 1:size(des1,1)
    eucl = zeros(size(des2,1));
    for j=1:size(des2,1)
           eucl(j) = sqrt(sum((des1(i,:)-des2(j,:)).^2));

    [vals,indx] = sort(eucl);        
    if (vals(1) < distRatio * vals(2))
      match(i) = indx(1);
      match(i) = 0;

The problem is that it is very slow, and I know the reason, it is slow because of the nested loop, is there any way to optimize that? Sorry I have poor experience with Matlab syntax.


  • One neat trick you can often use when calculating euclidean distance is to modify your algorithm to work with the squared euclidean distance instead - this eliminates a costly square root function that isn't necessary, for example, if you just want to find the largest or smallest distance in a set.

    So the inner loop might become:

    distSquared(j) = sum((des1(i, :) - des2(j, :)).^2);

    In your case, the tricky thing to change is the line

    if (vals(1) < distRatio * vals(2))

    Which is equivalent to

    if (vals(1)^2 < (distRatio * vals(2))^2)


    if (vals(1)^2 < (distRatio^2) * (vals(2)^2))

    And if you are getting the values from distSquared instead of eucl, then you could use

    if (valSquared(1) < (distRatio^2) * valSquared(2))

    Finally, you could maybe take out the inner loop by rewriting the subtraction like this:

    countRowsDes2 = size(des2, 1); % this line outside the loop
    %... now inside the loop
        des1expand = repmat(des1(i, :), countRowsDes2, 1); % copy this row
        distSquared = sum((des1expand - des2).^2, 2);      % sum horizontally

    Where I've used repmat to copy the row des1(i, :), and made sum work on the horizontal dimension using the second dimension argument.

    Putting it all together

    distRatio = 0.5;
    distRatioSq = distRatio^2; % distance ratio squared
    countRowsDes1 = size(des1, 1); % number of rows in des1
    countRowsDes2 = size(des2, 1); % number of rows in des2
    match = zeros(countRowsDes1, 1); % pre-initialize with zeros
    for i = i:size(des1, 1)
        des1expand = repmat(des1(i, :), countRowsDes2, 1); % copy row i of des1
        distSquared = sum((des1expand - des2).^2, 2);      % sum horizontally
        [valsSquared, index] = sort(distSquared);
        if (valsSquared(1) < distRatioSq * valsSquared(2))
            match(i) = index(1);
        % else zero by initialization