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NHibernate Issuing Additional UPDATE on Unidirectional One-to-Many

I'm using the new Map by Code pieces in NHibernate. My understanding was that an update was made in NHibernate 3 so that unidirectional one-to-many relationships would no longer insert null on the foreign key then update it to the correct value, as long as you set inverse=false on the collection and made the foreign key not nullable.

What I'm seeing is that NHibernate now INSERTs the correct foreign key, but it still issues an additional UPDATE that sets the foreign key to the value that was used in the insert?!?

Have I done something incorrectly in my mapping? (A user can have many passwords. The password object does not reference back to the user in my domain.)

mapper.Class<Password>(map =>
    map.Id(x => x.Id, x => { x.Generator(Generators.Native); x.Column("PasswordId"); });
    map.Property(x => x.PasswordFormat, x => { x.NotNullable(true); });
    map.Property(x => x.Salt, x => { x.Length(100); });
    map.Property(x => x.PasswordValue, x => { x.NotNullable(true); x.Length(500); });
    map.Property(x => x.CreateDate, x => { x.NotNullable(true); });

mapper.Class<User>(map =>
    map.Id(x => x.Id, x => { x.Generator(Generators.Native); x.Column("UserId"); });
    map.Property(x => x.UserName, x => { x.NotNullable(true); x.Length(100); x.UniqueKey("UX_Users_Username"); });
    map.Property(x => x.Email, x => { x.Length(100); x.Index("IX_Users_Email"); });
    map.Property(x => x.IsAnonymous, x => { x.NotNullable(true); });
    map.Property(x => x.IsApproved, x => { x.NotNullable(true); });
    map.Property(x => x.LastActivityDate, x => { x.NotNullable(true); });
    map.Property(x => x.CreateDate, x => { x.NotNullable(true); });
    map.Set(x => x.Passwords, x => { x.Access(Accessor.Field); x.Inverse(false); x.Key(k => { k.Column("UserId"); k.NotNullable(true); k.ForeignKey("FK_Passwords_UserId"); }); x.Cascade(Cascade.All); x.Lazy(CollectionLazy.Lazy); }, x => x.OneToMany());

Note: This is using built-in NHibernate.Mapping.ByCode, not Fluent NHibernate.


  • Turns out I can accomplish this by setting k.Update(false) on the foreign key portion of the Passwords collection mapping.

    The answer from hazzik on the following question queued me in.