In my function I want to use php bc-math to improve the precision. I've tried to replace all operations to no avail. Is this is a float-to-string conversion problem?
function complex_iterate($re,$im)
$zisqr = $zrsqr = $iter = $zIm = $zRe = "0";
while (floatval(bcadd($zrsqr,$zisqr)) < 4
&& $iter < $this->iterations
$zIm = bcadd($zIm,$zRe);
$zIm = bcadd($zIm,$zIm);
$zIm = bcadd($zIm,$im);
$zRe = bcadd(bcsub($zrsqr,$zisqr),$re);
$zrsqr = bcmul($zRe,$zRe);
$zisqr = bcmul($zIm,$zIm);
return $iter;
Using any arbitrary-precision library will be much slower than floating-point numbers, especially for something like calculating the Mandelbrot set which does many, many repeated iterations. If you want speed I'd recommend rewriting this in C using a library like gmplib.
The issue in your code is that you are using a bcadd
instead of a bcmul
for your first line inside the loop.