It seems to me that there is a strong connection between the two ideas. My guess is that FRP could be implemented in terms of Iteratees if there would be a way to express arbitrary graphs with Iteratees. But afaik they only support chain-like structures.
Could someone shed some light on this?
It's the other way around. There is a strong connection between AFRP and stream processing. In fact AFRP is a form of stream processing, and you can use the idiom to implement something very similar to pipes:
data Pipe m a b =
Pipe {
cleanup :: m (),
feed :: [a] -> m (Maybe [b], Pipe m a b)
That's an extension of wire categories as found in Netwire. It receives the next chunk of input and returns Nothing when it stops producing. Using this a file reader would have the following type:
readFile :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> Pipe m a ByteString
Pipe is a family of applicative functors, so to apply a simple function to the stream elements you could just use fmap:
fmap ( toUpper) . readFile
For your convenience it's also a family of profunctors.
The most interesting feature is that this is a family of Alternative functors. That allows you to route streams around and allow multiple stream processors to "try" before giving up. This can be extended to a full-fledged parsing library that can even use some static information for optimization purposes.