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Disposing WCF with long running [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]

I've following service, defined as OneWay, because it's long running (a few minutes) and I can't wait when it finishes (it's used in ASP.NET application).

The problem is that if I call client.Dispose() after the service call, it blocks and after 60s timeout expires with exception.

How should I dispose the client in such scenario? Increasing the timeout of the service isn't solution, because I can't wait so long time with the HTTP request of the web page, where it's used.

public interface IMyService
    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    void BeginRun();

var client = new MyServiceClient();
client.Close(); //This leads to time-out, how and when to call it?

Thanks for tips.


  • From your signiture, it seems like you don't need any sort of response. In that case, on the service, when you recieve the BeginRun() call, execute the work on a non-WCF thread. This will free the channel & should allow you to immediately dispose the client.

    Even though you've marked the OperationContract as IsOneWay, that doesn't mean WCF immediately releases the channel. A WCF service will not actually return from a one-way call until all of the data has been read from the wire. Depending on your service configuration, this could involve waiting for previous calls to complete (particularly w/ Single concurrency mode sessionful service configurations).

    So, for several reasons it's often a good idea to actually execute service work on a separate thread from the WCF thread, which should improve throughput. Take a look at this article on MSDN for additional details.