I am currently working on a code editor written in Qt,
I have managed to implement most of the features which I desire, i.e. auto completion and syntax highlighting but there is one problem which I can't figure out.
I have created a model for which the QCompleter
uses, which is fine for things like html tags and c++ keywords such as if else
But I would like to add variables to the completer as they are entered by the user.
So I created an event on the QTextEdit
which will get the word (I know I need to check to make sure that it is a variable etc but I just want to get it working for now).
void TextEdit::checkWord()
//going to get the previous word and try to do something with it
QTextCursor tc = textCursor();
QString word = tc.selectedText();
//check to see it is in the model
But now I want to work out how to check to see if that word is already in the QCompleter
s model and if it isn't how do I add it?
I have tried the following:
QAbstractItemModel *m = completer->model();
//dont know what to do with it now :(
You can check if word
is in your QCompleter
really by using
QAbstractItemModel *m = completer->model();
as you can see, method model()
returns const
That is good for checking procedure, you can check like this:
bool matched = false;
QString etalon("second");
QStringListModel *strModel = qobject_cast<QStringListModel*>(completer.model());
if (strModel!=NULL)
foreach (QString str, strModel->stringList()) {
if (str == etalon)
matched = true;
But for your purposes, I recommend you to declare QStringListModel
, and connect it to your completer, and then, all of operations you'll must do thru your model, according to Qt's principles of MVC programming (http://doc.qt.digia.com/qt/model-view-programming.html).
Your code can be like this:
// declaration
QCompleter completer;
QStringListModel completerModel;
// initialization
QStringList stringListForCompleter;
stringListForCompleter << "first" << "second" << "third";
// adding new word to your completer list
completerModel.setStringList(completerModel.stringList() << "New Word");
Good luck!