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iOS - Open an app with a URL Scheme from Chrome

I've read many many blogs and examples of how to open an app from an URL scheme (for example, this blog), and it seems to work great when I call my app from mobile safari. For instance, when I call testapp:// in mobile safari, it opens my testapp and I can parse out the

However, when I call testapp:// in iOS-Chrome, it just googles the term instead of calling the app.

Is there a way to have iOS Chrome recognize the URL as a registered app the way mobile safari does?

When I google this topic, I see a lot of comments on how to open a url in chrome from an app, but not the other way around.

Has anyone encountered this?



  • Due to the way that the Chrome app appears to be developed, it doesn't seem this is possible at present without a jailbreak (and even then, not easily). You should go bug the Google Chrome iOS team to fix this (e.g. try to open in all registered apps with URL schemes before googling). Sorry I couldn't be of more use, but there just doesn't seem to be an easy way around it.