I realized Smartphone applications with Google News API. And I want to know if it's possible (I mean legal) to add advertisements on these apps ?
I used the RSS feed (the API is deprecated). In this link it says : "We invite you to make noncommercial use of Google's RSS feeds", but I'm not sure to find a good definition to noncommercial. Must it be advertising-free ?
Thank you!
Non-commercial means that you can use it for personal use and not for business. Showing advertisements in your feed would very likely constitute non-personal use. After all: you want to show the ads so that you can make some money. That's a business.
I can also easily imagine that showing the RSS feed on a company web site or on a personal web site that shows advertisements next to the feed, is also interpreted as commercial use.
Of course I am not a lawyer (nor are most people here, given that the programmer's focus of Stack Overflow), but I tend to err on the side of caution in cases like these.