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Sinatra Modular app not recognizing routes on AppFog

I have started writing my Sinatra apps using a modular style, suggested in this stackoverflow answer, and have successfully deployed it on Heroku, but when trying to deploy to AppFog (identical code except for datamapper mysql/postgres gems) I get "Not Found" errors for every route I have defined.

== Sinatra/1.3.3 has taken the stage on 47195 for production with backup from Thin
myIP, - - [08/Dec/2012 21:28:53] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 404 18 0.0030
myIP, - - [08/Dec/2012 21:28:54] "GET /any_route HTTP/1.0" 404 18 0.0010
myIP, - - [08/Dec/2012 21:28:58] "GET /about HTTP/1.0" 404 18 0.0008

My view and public paths from settings:

settings.views = "./views"
root = "."
settings.sin_auth_view_path =  "/mnt/var/vcap.local/dea/apps/myapp-0-d1d1d1dc0e543b1759afda27b/app/views/"
public_folder = "./public"

An example of defined route:

class MyApp < Sinatra::Application
  get '/' do
    @title = "Site Index Page"

    haml :index

require ::File.join( ::File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app')


Structure is basically identical to that linked to above.

There are no application errors, just the "Not Found" message and corresponding 404 "GET" entries in the logs. The PUBLIC folder is working as it should - I can access all static files off the site url (ie. And, as I mentioned, the exact same app runs flawlessly on Heroku.

I am using bundle package, so a custom gem can be used, and had no problems until switching to the modular structure.

Installed on AppFog Ruby 1.9.3 Runtime.



  • Thanks to a user on the AppFog Google User Group, the solution was to deploy as a Rack application instead of a Sinatra application.

    Note: Also make sure to use the --runtime ruby193 command line option, if you are using require_relative :)