Let's consider an app doing the following steps using AppleScript, in order to auto-login to some website:
1- Open "Safari" and navigate to website
2- Fill the username and password fields with JavaScriptdo JavaScript " document.getElementById('password_input').value = 'userPassword' "
3- Submit form using JavaScript --- do JavaScript " document.forms['login_form'].submit() "
For a sandboxed Mac app, com.apple.security.temporary-exception.apple-events entitlement key must be added for "Safari", in order to execute AppleScript procedure above.
Everything works great this way, without any problem.
Here is my question:
Does the app get rejected because of this temporary exception usage for Safari?
After waiting for more than one month, my app got approved.
In entitlements section of iTunesConnect, I briefly explained why I used this entitlement key, and my app got approved without any problem.
So I can say that temporary exception usage for Safari is NOT a reject reason.