I must misunderstand either Python's uuid module, or the RFC for generating UUIDs
How can you generate a UUID3 string using both a domain name and an object name?
I see that "Version 3 UUIDs are generated from a qualified name space like an URL or a domain name and an object id or name."
However, at python.org is says the usage is uuid.uuid3(namespace, name). Since "namespace" here is supposed to specify the type of "name," how am I supposed to specify both "domain name" and "object name"?
From section 4.3 of the RFC:
The version 3 or 5 UUID is meant for generating UUIDs from "names" that are drawn from, and unique within, some "name space". The concept of name and name space should be broadly construed, and not limited to textual names. For example, some name spaces are the domain name system, URLs, ISO Object IDs (OIDs), X.500 Distinguished Names (DNs), and reserved words in a programming language.
So UUID3 takes a namespace identifier (a UUID) and a name. Not a domain name and a object name. If you are using a domain name as the name, use the uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS