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template template parameter

Does D support template template parameters? How would I get the following to work?

struct Type(alias a, alias b) { alias a A; alias b B; }

template MakeType(alias a, alias b)
  alias Type!(a, b) MakeType;

template Foo(alias a, U) // where U is a Type

template Foo(alias a, U : MakeType!(a, b), b...)  // where U is a specialization

and Foo is supposed to be called as such:

alias MakeType!(5, 7) MyType;
alias Foo!(5, MyType) Fooed;  // error

Error: template instance Foo!(5,Type!(5,7)) Foo!(5,Type!(5,7)) does not match template declaration Foo(alias a,U : MakeType!(a,b),b...)


  • I got it working :-)

    template Foo(alias a, U) // where U is a Type
    template Foo(alias a, U : X, X) if(is(X == MakeType!(a, U.B)))

    and in usage:

    alias MakeType!(1, 3) MyType1;
    alias MakeType!(5, 7) MyType2;
    Foo!(5, MyType1) // calls the first Foo()
    Foo!(5, MyType2) // calls the second Foo() with specialization