Paging Gabor de Mooij or anybody else who have been more experienced with RedBeanPHP. The current naming convention we have is using underscores and although anybody can make a case of using Pascal/Camel casing I think what's important is consistency and we don't want to refactor everything to just to conform to a consistent naming pattern but we'll see what we can do.
There's just these statements that are contradicting. Can anybody clarify this rule?
Also, don't you think 2 or more worded properties are also common and its ugly if they are all in lowercase: date_added or dateAdded?
RedBeanPHP has been designed for an 'agile' approach. The database gets crafted by RedBeanPHP on-the-fly, while you are coding the app and discussing the domain with your customer.
However I will never impose artificial limitations. You can use underscores and uppercase characters, just remember that RedBeanPHP uses some conventions to retrieve/store relations: table_id and table1_table2 are the most important ones.
Also note that uppercase table names can be very hard to maintain because some database-OS combinations are case-insensitive.
As of RedBeanPHP 3.4 (now alpha) RedBeanPHP will throw an exception if you try to store a bean with an invalid type name; however this is just to warn you. To override this check use setStricTyping(false).
$bean = R::dispense('postAddress');
$bean->housenumber = '1';
$bean = R::dispense('post_address');
$bean->house_number = '2';
This will just work.
I hope this clarifies the situation, I will update the docs to be more specific as soon as I have some time. Thank you for notifying me about this issue. Feel free to ask any question on our forum:!forum/redbeanorm
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