What's the simplest way to validate XML files against the DocBook 5 schema from the command-line?
In particular, I'm talking about DocBook documents that are split up across several files and included with the <xi:include href="..."/>
The specific use case here is finding schema violations in proposed changes in the OpenStack documentation.
If I open up files in the oXygen GUI editor, it will identify schema violations, but I'd like to be able to run these checks from the command line.
does what I need, for example:
xmllint --relaxng http://www.docbook.org/xml/5.0/rng/docbookxi.rng --noout ~/openstack-manuals/doc/src/docbkx/openstack-compute-admin/bk-compute-adminguide.xml
This outputs a string that indicates whether validation was successful:
/Users/lorin/openstack-manuals/doc/src/docbkx/openstack-compute-admin/bk-compute-adminguide.xml validates